Hack Title: Muscle Car Hack Details: Use the power of your muscles to control an RC car. Using electrodes, amplifiers, a microcontroller and a RF transmitter we hope to drive a car, with some accuracy 🙂 What you need …
Hack Title: Muscle Car Hack Details: Use the power of your muscles to control an RC car. Using electrodes, amplifiers, a microcontroller and a RF transmitter we hope to drive a car, with some accuracy 🙂 What you need …
Hack Title: Note Digitiser Hack Details: Many of us rely on handwritten notes but handling and searching through them is big challenge. This project aims to develop a hardware platform for digitizing these notes. What you need to make it …
Hack Title: Speed of light measurements Hack Details: How many ways can we find to measure the speed of light? What you need to make it happen?: Need: microwave oven, chocolate, oscilloscope, light source/laser, mirrors, space, motor/controller, prism, ideas Name: …
Hack Title: Get Animated: Multiplane Animation Stand Hack Details: Let’s build a multiplane stand so we can do some stop motion animation.This could be a simple as a few sheets of plexiglass plus cardboard coffee cups – or we could …
Hack Title: Edu-toycorder Hack Details: Tricorders, star-fleet’s swiss-army knife can be used for finding the timeline where Hitler lost to pointing at the red-shirted guy and saying “he’s dead Jim.” As a kid, the nearest thing we had was an …
Hack Title: Prosthetic arm for teenage rower Hack Details: I’ve been working on a prosthetic for a 15 year old rower who is missing his hand and most of his forearm on one side. There is a quite a bit …
Hack Title: California Dreamin’ (aka Save The World’s Saddest Lemon Tree) Hack Details: I grew a lemon tree from a pip, but it’s miserable in the Irish climate. At time of writing it’s a 20cm stick with one leaf …
California Dreamin’ (aka Save The World’s Saddest Lemon Tree) Read More »
Hack Title: Back of my hand Hack Details: How many ways can we look at the back of a hand during a hackathon? Looking at it in scientific, artistic and medical ways What you need to make it happen?: Electronics: …