Ideas 2019

Muscle Car


    • Hack Title: Muscle Car
    • Hack Details: Use the power of your muscles to control an RC car. Using electrodes, amplifiers, a microcontroller and a RF transmitter we hope to drive a car, with some accuracy 🙂
    • What you need to make it happen?: Any programmers, mechanically minded people, time.
    • Name: Keith M

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Note Digitiser

    • Hack Title: Note Digitiser
    • Hack Details: Many of us rely on handwritten notes but handling and searching through them is big challenge. This project aims to develop a hardware platform for digitizing these notes.
    • What you need to make it happen?: Raspberry Pi with camera, something to make a stand. I planning to use machine learning for digitizing the notes.
    • Name: Intelliwriting

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Speed of light measurements

    • Hack Title: Speed of light measurements
    • Hack Details: How many ways can we find to measure the speed of light?
    • What you need to make it happen?: Need: microwave oven, chocolate, oscilloscope, light source/laser, mirrors, space, motor/controller, prism, ideas
    • Name: Eamonn Neylon
    • Twitter/website:

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Get Animated: Multiplane Animation Stand

    • Hack Title: Get Animated: Multiplane Animation Stand
    • Hack Details: Let's build a multiplane stand so we can do some stop motion animation.This could be a simple as a few sheets of plexiglass plus cardboard coffee cups - or we could build something more permanent, where we can stack the glass like trays in an oven. We'll also need phone and light stands. Then we'll need lots of artwork figures and backgrounds to animate! Draw them, craft them, spray them, etch them, electrify them - make artwork in whatever way, and we'll make an animation for it
    • What you need to make it happen?: We can use any found/scrap material in the space to make the stand and artwork. Getting good lights & lighting will be important
    • Name: Jules

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    • Hack Title: Edu-toycorder
    • Hack Details: Tricorders, star-fleet's swiss-army knife can be used for finding the timeline where Hitler lost to pointing at the red-shirted guy and saying "he's dead Jim." As a kid, the nearest thing we had was an Eico-360 oscilloscope. Shouting into a microphone, touching the probes to electronic equipment or ourselves. But they were clunky, expensive with dangerously hot vacuum tubes sucking power. Now we can build a pocket-sized educational toycorder for about 10 Euro, with light, sound and electrical probes. What else can we add? Heartbeat? Brainwaves? A pong game? Brainwave-Pong?
    • What you need to make it happen?: I have a Wemos D1 mini with a 128x128 TFT display, some transistors I found scattered on a GAA pitch and code from an attempted pong game.  I need 3D printing or laser wood burning artists, analog electronics engineers, arduino programmers, digital electronics experts, consumer electronics salvage experts, educators...
    • Name: Brian Nitz
    • Twitter/website:

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Prosthetic arm for teenage rower

    • Hack Title: Prosthetic arm for teenage rower
    • Hack Details: I've been working on a prosthetic for a 15 year old rower who is missing his hand and most of his forearm on one side. There is a quite a bit going on to get all the motion right (joints, cabling etc) and designing something that keeps in all attached to him. Some work done, but needs a lot more work.
    • What you need to make it happen?: I'm bringing a mannequin and lots of straps and cable etc and some parts I have designed already.
    • Skills I think I need are: 
    • Some who can work with textiles Someone with CAD skills for some 3D printing of parts After that people who are just willing to help
    • Name: David McKeown
    • Twitter/website: dj_mckeown

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California Dreamin' (aka Save The World's Saddest Lemon Tree)


    • Hack Title: California Dreamin' (aka Save The World's Saddest Lemon Tree)
    • Hack Details: I grew a lemon tree from a pip, but it's miserable in the Irish climate. At time of writing it's a 20cm stick with one leaf and at least one disease. It's the saddest tree you've ever seen.Meanwhile in San Francisco, my friends have a beautiful happy lemon tree growing in their garden. THE PLAN: build an environment to replicate conditions in San Francisco for my lemon tree. * sunlight intensity * sunlight colour * sunlight angle * wind strength * wind direction * rainfall * temperature * ambient sounds
    • What you need to make it happen?: I've got: * the world's saddest lemon tree * a growlamp bulb * a lot of LEDs * probably an old computer fan somewhere * a little water pump  I need: * weather data from SF * an ambient sound source, maybe a webcam somewhere * an enclosure for the tree * a contraption to move the sun and wind around, orrery-style * a heater
    • Name: Becky
    • Twitter/website:

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Back of my hand

    • Hack Title: Back of my hand
    • Hack Details: How many ways can we look at the back of a hand during a hackathon? Looking at it in scientific, artistic and medical ways
    • What you need to make it happen?: Electronics: arduino sensors for temperature, acidity, pulse, 3d printing, laser cutterScience: microscope, telescope, grip measure, uv light, For Art: Plaster of Paris, drawing, embroidery, knitting, poetry, photographs Medicine:MRI, x-ray, physio metrics Visualization: Map making, topographic map Sociology: Gestures used in cultures, meaning of the phrase. similar phrases in other languages
    • Name: David Curran
    • Twitter/website:

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